Holly Botner
Panic sets in when the need arises to dress for an event. Last minute shopping for a holiday gala sent me to Ogilvy’s in a tizzy. As ridiculous as it sounds now, I walked out the proud new owner of designer pink snakeskin pants with shimmering scales. How I imagined that these dressy jeans would enhance my appearance is anyone’s guess. This was several years before I became addicted to watching ‘What Not to Wear.’ Turned out that my outfit was later eclipsed by an inebriated co-worker who pole danced sans pole, alone, on a massive dance floor.
I won a $100 gift certificate to Winners when I described my pink snakeskin fashion debacle in Elle magazine, but never collected the money as I assumed they would know where to find me and they didn’t.
I’ve since toned down my style and haven’t worn anything embarrassing in over a decade.
Holly is a “clueless fashionista”, jittery cook, yoga-loving, book reading, sun-seeking swimmer who loves family, friends and travel located in Montreal, Quebec.